Why You are Using Job References the Wrong Way

Why You are Using Job References the Wrong Way

“You cannot allow the important decision that you’re about to make get hijacked by somebody else’s agenda.” For years, I relied heavily on job references to gauge a candidate’s potential. It isn’t an uncommon practice. Leaders...
Avoid a Common Hiring Pitfall

Avoid a Common Hiring Pitfall

“It’s a big mistake for any employer to think that they could cut corners by hiring someone with experience.” Building the perfect team takes time. You can save some time though by making sure to avoid a common hiring pitfall.  When I first started...
How to Decide Who to Interview

How to Decide Who to Interview

When the applicant tracking system chooses a person for you, it’s almost like a suggestion. You still have to be the one that makes the conscious decision to choose who you interview. – Tim Dyck The first time I had to sift through a pile of resumes...

Three Things Every Hiring Manager Should Know

“Attitude trumps experience every time. Someone who is eager to learn and willing to do what it takes will always outperform someone who relies solely on their past experience.” – Tim Dyck When I think back to the time I first started hiring, I was...
The Power of Hiring Retired Employees

The Power of Hiring Retired Employees

“Retired people do not have to be there. They want to be there. And they typically apply because they love the product in some way. And so you’re going to get that passion to come out every time.” There is not enough conversation about the power of...