The Power of Meeting In Person

The Power of Meeting In Person

“We got 4 or 5 days worth of work done in one meeting that would’ve had to be spread across several virtual meetings.” During Jody’s recent visit we decided to record while driving between Calgary and Edmonton, Thanks to technology for we were...
How to Terminate an Employee

How to Terminate an Employee

“In order to terminate effectively, you can not be so focused on being liked. You need to be respected and understood.” Learning how to terminate an employee is a challenging yet essential aspect of building a winning culture in business. It’s a tough...
Ask Employees Why They Stay

Ask Employees Why They Stay

In this episode Tim, and cohost Jody Maberry, cover all the bases in regards to the benefits of doing stay interviews as opposed to only interviewing employees that exit. By doing these you will gain a competitive edge and valuable insights that will help you continue...
Five Reasons to Take Your Time and Hire Right

Five Reasons to Take Your Time and Hire Right

In this episode, Tim shares five reasons to take your time and hire right. He share’s his best insights as to why rushing to hire negatively impacts your team, your work culture, and your bottom line. Tim and his co-host, Jody Maberry, also share personal...