
Avoid a Common Hiring Pitfall

Oct 8, 2024 | Podcast

World at Work podcast ep 91 avoid a common hiring pitfall

“It’s a big mistake for any employer to think that they could cut corners by hiring someone with experience.”

Building the perfect team takes time. You can save some time though by making sure to avoid a common hiring pitfall.  When I first started coaching hiring managers through Best Culture Solutions, the goal was to transform traditional hiring practices and cultivate winning cultures. But there were times it felt like we’d never get there. For every one step forward, it seemed like we were taking two steps back.

It wasn’t new to face challenges in the hiring process. However, there became a reoccuring issue that we knew we needed to help with. Leaders were hesitant to shift their focus from experience to motivation and passion. Over time and consistent implementation, we found our stride. As high performing people were hired the leaders we work with started to understand the need to shift their approach to hiring. That success is why we are so committed to hiring with a focus on the importance of mindset, self-motivation, and aligning personal goals with company values.

The real breakthrough came when we embraced interviewing for passion and motivation, not just experience. Everything started to click. Retention rates improved, teams became more cohesive, and our clients started to see real, tangible results.

If you’re facing a hiring conundrum consider ways to shift what you look for in applicants. Focus on those fundamental questions of motivation and passion. Just remember that once you hire the right person, you also have to train them then treat them right. You cannot get off the hook from having to train people or mentor them regularly just because you are hiring somebody with experience.

Connect with Tim and his team:

Website: https://bestculturesolutions.ca/

LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

Instagram: @best.culture.solutions  

Email: tim@bestculturesolutions.ca

Notable Moments

00:57 Reconsider traditional hiring practices to attract  the right talent.

04:54 Skill alone doesn’t guarantee success; passion and mindset matter.

08:18 Employers mistakenly assume experienced hires need no training.

11:47 Experience aids development, but requires adaptability.

14:15 Transferable skills matter more than industry experience.

18:06 Shared values cultivate successful organizational cultures.

Tim Dyck
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