
Learn How to Leave

Mar 12, 2024 | Podcast

World at Work episode 70 Learn How to Leave

“It’s having a tactful approach, owning the change, then moving forward with your best self. Leaving on good terms is going to be more valuable for you in the long run than if you walk out.”

There are a various mental barriers that people face when making a change in their professional role. Some of the biggest are the nuances of recognizing when it’s time to move on and how to do it effectively. Whether that change is for career advancement or to get out of a toxic environment, it helps having a transition plan in place. By planning and preparing for the change you will set yourself up for even more long-term success.

Some of the key items we touch on are:

  • The importance of making a plan before making a career change or leaving a job.
  • The significance of leaving on good terms and how it can positively impact your career journey.
  • Ensuring the transition leaves a positive impact on your current and future workplace.
  • The value of taking advantage of any benefits or perks from your current position before leaving.
  • Why it is okay to take time between career transitions.

If you’re eyeing a career change, resolving to leave on a high note, or curious about the dynamics of workplace transitions—this episode is a gold mine. Take a listen and share this episode with anyone you know that may be navigating a career change.  Remember, a well-planned exit can pave the way for a successful next chapter.

Connect with Tim and his team:

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LinkedIn: Best Culture Solutions, Inc

Instagram: @best.culture.solutions  

Email: tim@bestculturesolutions.ca

Key Moments

04:35 Strategize for a constructive and successful change.

08:41 Consider reasons for change, then plan deliberately.

11:54 Leave anger behind, show best self at work.

16:02 Plan for benefits before leaving a position.

18:27 Coordinating transitions with trust in leadership is crucial.

20:31 Plan for transition time between career positions.

Tim Dyck
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