How to Decide Who to Interview

How to Decide Who to Interview

When the applicant tracking system chooses a person for you, it’s almost like a suggestion. You still have to be the one that makes the conscious decision to choose who you interview. – Tim Dyck The first time I had to sift through a pile of resumes...
Using ChatGPT to Write Your Resume and Cover Letter

Using ChatGPT to Write Your Resume and Cover Letter

“Avoid using buzzwords in your cover letters and resumes, and instead, focus on providing tangible evidence of your skills and experiences.” When I first heard about Chat GPT, I had no idea that it would become such a valuable tool. Not only does it help...
Signs Your Interviewer is a Good Leader

Signs Your Interviewer is a Good Leader

In today’s episode, Tim shares what he likes to call green and red lights that empower the interviewee to get a better sense of what they’d be walking into if they said yes. He shares invaluable information including the signs your interviewer is a good leader. A few...
5 Ways to Ruin an Interview for an Employer

5 Ways to Ruin an Interview for an Employer

Most people think that when an interview doesn’t result in a hire, the job seeker is to blame; but there are so many instances when it’s actually the interviewer that’s at fault. Listen in to learn about the top five mistakes that can easily be avoided and can help...
5 Ways to Ruin Your Interview

5 Ways to Ruin Your Interview

Would you love to feel less nervous walking into your next interview? Tim shares tips on things you should know as well as five ways to ruin your interview. Cassie Tucker, who’ll be helping Tim with all the episodes focused on the job seeker’s side of things, has a...